America teams up with Italy, Estonia, and Germany to welcome the finest European show line German Shepherds to Colorado.
America teams up with Italy, Estonia, and Germany to welcome the finest European show line German Shepherds to Colorado.
This has been achieved through years of hard work, diligent research, planning, and dedication in striving to improve the next generation of German Shepherds. We can proudly boast that all of our dogs and puppies come from only the very best and proven bloodlines in the world.
Each one of the dogs we choose for breeding is health tested, titled, and has at least one parent that has earned a VA1 title (Excellent Select, 1st place). VA1 is the coveted placement earned by the top dog at a Sieger Show and in Germany (BSZS) VA1 is widely accepted as representing the best overall dog in the world. The competition for VA is fierce and very few dogs attain this momentous achievement.
Standards and ratings are established to evaluate and certify a dog’s breed worthiness. Working titles focus on the structural soundness and ability to demonstrate trainability and reliability in obedience, but more importantly, temperament is evaluated. Courage, resilience, confidence, and devotion to the dog’s handler are put to the test. Show titles provide a valuable tool for ensuring that the breed standard is followed. Along with conformation shows and working trials is a 12-mile endurance test that demonstrates the dog’s structural soundness and physical stamina. Finally, a körung (breed survey) is completed by a qualified judge. This is an in-depth evaluation that records the qualities and shortcomings of the dog. The temperament, conformation, courage, and function are reported. A rating is awarded to dogs that are “recommended” for breeding along with any special characteristics the dog possesses to improve progeny in the future.
Temperament and character, along with physical and mental soundness play an enormous role in selectively choosing which dogs are breeding prospects. The German Shepherd is an athletic, loyal, self-assured, attentive, and intelligent dog. This applies to both competition dogs and family pets.
Purchasing a puppy from titled parents ensures that the dogs being bred have passed vigorous testing and several judges along the way oversaw the process. Following this standard eliminates a biased breeder from breeding indiscriminately and encourages the goal to be producing the best puppies possible. At Centennial German Shepherds, meticulous planning and an abundance of thought go into producing every litter of puppies. Striving for excellence gives breeders credibility and provides the potential buyer with absolute assurance that their puppy is a product of deliberate and quality mating.
After working, showing, and breeding German Shepherds for over 25 years, we decided it was time to create a new kennel name and logo to signify our presence in Colorado (the Centennial State) combined with our Italian and Estonian foundation dogs.
Centennial GSD chose to use the head of our gorgeous female Gucci and combine the American and Italian flags across her face to signify our team concept. Additionally, we blended the American and Estonian flags across our impressive male import's face to represent the Margman presence at Centennial.
We are a small German Shepherd hobby breeder in Southern Colorado. Our dedication to the betterment of the breed is paramount as is considering each family’s wishes so that every puppy is placed in a home that is a solid match for both. Our puppies are raised inside of our home where we can interact with them from birth until the day they leave with their new families. We assess them, take notes, photos, and videos, and create a detailed log about each puppy so that we can explain their individual characteristics and personalities as clearly as possible to anyone who is inquiring.
We evaluate each puppy's growth and development, along with littermate interactions and responses to "daily life" situations on a full-time basis. Once the puppies are mobile, they are introduced to toys and small obstacles which are intended to spark curiosity and promote problem-solving and confidence. Although most puppies display the "cute" factor, we appreciate the importance associated with recognizing personality traits/character similarities and distinguishing the differences among every puppy in the litter.
We understand that visiting the puppies or looking at photos is difficult, as both are only small snapshots of time in the rapidly changing life of a growing puppy. Visitors might experience the litter just before or after a nap, eating, playing, or any other event or activity that may skew the true personality of the puppy, and relying on a few minutes or even hours to make a decision can be overwhelming. For these reasons, frequent communication with prospective families from birth to placement is crucial. By clearly conveying expectations, we are able to assist in the selection process to ensure happiness and success for both the puppy and the individual families welcoming the youngster into their new home.
Centennial GSD works hard at producing the finest German Shepherd Dogs through methodically and meticulously scrutinizing compatible bloodlines and pedigrees to ensure each breeding results in producing the best litter of puppies possible. Combining specific lines or avoiding lines that have genetic faults is important as we always have the betterment of the breed in mind. Although it’s impossible to completely avoid the unforeseen, we work hard to give every puppy the best chance possible to grow up into a healthy and happy dog. This is done by carefully choosing a mating pair that compliment one another by enhancing positive qualities and making an effort to reduce any faults known in one or both bloodlines.
Our foundation dogs and the dogs we use for breeding trace back to the best Italian, Estonian, and German bloodlines. We seek out dogs with a geographically diverse gene pool while also studying line breeding to keep the integrity of the breed intact. By doing this, we reduce the risks associated with more closely related dogs. Our breeding dogs have certified hips and elbows, have been tested for DM, and are titled; ensuring that they are healthy both physically and mentally. None of the dogs in our breeding program and many generations back have joint or known hereditary issues and all of the dogs possess stable and wonderful temperaments. At Centennial quality over quantity always comes first.
We stay in touch with our families after the sale of our German Shepherd puppies, whether it be for help with a question or just a friendly email to check-in. I sold several puppies almost two decades ago both out of state and overseas and have been fortunate enough to form beautiful friendships with many of those people that will last a lifetime. We take pride in our Colorado German Shepherds.
Our goal is to produce healthy and beautiful German Shepherd puppies that win in the show ring, excel as working dogs, succeed as therapy or service dogs, and most importantly, flourish as loving family companions and guardians.
Margit from Margman Kennels and a young Capo.
My first and second sable puppies were bought in Estonia from Margit Kuusman of Margman Kennels. I traveled to Estonia to pick up my female puppy Briatore Nordica, and while I was there I met another puppy (her half-brother) named Margman Othello. He was a gorgeous and friendly 7 month old sable youngster. Both puppies shared the same father, the magnificent multiple VA Margman Torsten. I was immediately smitten and consequently brought both back with me to Colorado. I also had the honor and pleasure of hosting Torsten, his owner, and his breeder at my home when they traveled to the United States for the first time after a Sieger Show.
A few years later I imported another Margman female (black and red) who was bred to Torsten. Her puppies were wonderful and she enjoyed a nice life in Colorado. By this time Margman had become a household name and known for quality German Shepherds around the world. Italy and Estonia joined together when my male Rio Di Casa Nobili was bred to my sable knockout, Nordica, the female I bought from Margman. We had lovely puppies; a mix of sable and black and red, both long and short coats. It was then that I began my great love for the long haired German Shepherd. Rio was phenomenal in the show ring, he earned his SchH3 title, placed V1, and produced puppies that achieved the same and other working titles. He was a gentleman in the house and had a flawless character which he passed down to his puppies time and time again. His puppies excelled as therapy dogs, service dogs, and as healthy and loving family dogs. Rio was intelligent, possessed a solid temperament, and was stunning to look at. My beloved Rio was by far one of the best dogs I have ever had the privilege of owning and set the bar high for our future dogs.
Now, many years later, I have once again imported a Margman dog; an impressive male to show, breed, and enjoy as a perfect companion dog. We look forward to combining the lines again and producing the best puppies possible. Expanding the gene pool while still staying true to the standard is our goal with future litters. Margman Dacapo is magnificent; an absolute dream dog. In 2020 we imported our first Margman long coat, a deeply pigmented black and red girl.
Margit has bettered the breed by thinking outside of the box. Her sable and black dogs are the absolute best and she has also produced top long coats along with her phenomenal black and red dogs. She has combined strong females with the correct stud dogs to produce some of the best puppies in the world. She is devoted to her dogs and the future of the German Shepherd Dog. Her dedication is obvious, and the result has been and remains to be dogs that possess beauty, working ability, and outstanding character. Her vision is clear, her dedication is steadfast, and he loves the dogs so her goals are always set with the future in mind.
Centennial German Shepherds is proud to display our rating of “Excellent” ⭐️
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